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Faith Ministry Stories

It's What You Need

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

We all engage the world in different ways.  We have different life rhythms. Different types of families.  Different cares and struggles and challenges.  We find joy and hope in different places.  We’re old and young, lonely and desperate for solitude.  We span the spectrum of life.  Yet, despite our differences, we have shared commonalities as God’s beloved children. 

We have a need to connect with our Creator.

We need to know that we matter in the midst of a chaotic and often too-busy world.

We want to spend our time on things that are truly significant.

At Faith, we want to help you meet these deep needs in your life and in the lives of those around us.  This has been part of our story for a long time and part of our specific goals that emerged from a special 3-year planning Committee.  As part of that work and in bringing Deacon Nina onto our staff – we are focused on these things in our Christian community. 

Beginning September 12, Wednesday evenings at Faith will look a lot different.  We have had vibrant, wonderful opportunities for children and youth – and we are very proud of that.  NOW, we are offering meaningful space for adults during that same time period. 

We have a talented team that will be curating sacred prayer space for you to stop, listen, and connect with your Creator.  Engage with God and you just might find something mysterious and lovely in the quiet.  You need this.  Prayer Lab will be held in the chapel on Wednesdays from 7:30 – 8 pm.

Join us for a time to connect with other adults, talk about real life, learn from God’s word, and share your joys and sorrows.  Continue the journey with companions on the road. Be reminded how much you matter and how deeply God cares for you.  You need this.  Small Bites: Nourish Your Faith will be held in the North Lobby on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. 

Get connected in something that is deep in your heart, something that you are truly passionate about and that serves the greater good.  Maybe you overflow with compassion for the homebound, or new refugees, or those who lack proper food or housing.  Maybe you want to share your love of quilting, or fixing things, or graphic design.  Whatever it is – we can help you find a ministry that is yours!  You are significant and your light brightens this world.

Pastor John & Deacon Nina